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« A Place for Aidan | Main | The NYT's "Modern Love" Column »

July 02, 2005


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Thank you. Thank you for this post.

Mr. Crane: This is a very nice and touching article that makes one think how important it is to give love,understanding and attention to others, the persons we have near, "El prójimo", We don´t have to look for them far away. And how in this XXI century those principles and values need to be kept and practice in our daily life.

I'm so glad you linked to this post in your most recent one (as of today). It's a great example of some Confucian maxim I read years ago that stuck -- and I paraphrase, hopefully correctly: "He who can breathe life into the classics is meant to be a teacher."

Learning the old books just to learn them is the epitome of useless education. I suspect your students experience them differently because of you.

(And yes, first comment. I've been lurking for a while since finding your feed for my own students in my high school Chinese history course.)

Hey Sam,

I was just sharing this story with Kesang and Fei Fei as we prepared to go to sleep tonight. As you can imagine, Fei Fei had a lot of questions about Aiden. I answered them much as you guys had in the past and that seemed to satisfy her!

We miss having you here!
Russ, Kesang, and Fei Fei Monkey

Kesang especially misses you and cried today as we took the motorcycle for a cruise around Napa Lake.

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