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« Turning Your Father In | Main | Remember Dongzhou, and all the other injustices »

December 30, 2005


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If Mr. Bush or his wife had asked you to consult for him an annual hexagram and received this oracle Hexagram 3 for 2006, one would recommend with some certainty that he should start to look for a new job as soon as possible. This is his second Hexagram 3 within a short period of four months. You see, Hexagram 3 Tun can also spell unemployment.

Therefore if he does not quickly resolve the many outstanding issues depicted by the Zhouyi in your previous divinations, it would be not be surprising to see his downfall before his second term as the US President ends.

It is rather inhumane to keep the poor and stranded suffering four months after the hurricane disasters. Where is the promised, approved and budgeted for New Orleans rebuilding?

There is no wisdom in prolonging an unjustified war that consumes billions of borrowed funds and getting more people (both US soldiers and Iraqis) killed as the days go by. Victory was already declared more than a year ago.

There cannot be further cover ups for the leak to reporters of the CIA agent. Justice must be seen to take it's naturally course. The Yi once again questions his sincerity on these matters through Hexagram 61 Zhong Fu / Inner Truth while the prosecutor discusses criminal cases in order to delay executions.

The saving grace for Mr. Bush, if any, is that you may have asked too earlier – refer to my recent blog entry on Annual Hexagrams – and that the top line in Hexagram 3 also changes.

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