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« Friday I Ching Blogging: American Politics in the Year Ahead | Main | Rent-a-Grandparent »

December 30, 2005


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Geez, you keep blundering around in areas that you've already been warned are minefields.

Roh - I call him "The Great Pretender" in deference to his not very subtle Lincolnesque ambitions - conducted a great bit of very cynical political theatre, nothing more.

The farmers in question are guys who attacked policemen with metal pipes and bamboo staves the size of naginatas - a pretty common occurrence in Korean demos - and got their comeupppance; usually it's the cops who get sriously injured or killed, while the perps spend a few days in jail.

In this instance, however, there's some general pubic sympathy for farmers, whose 5 times the world price for rice incomes are threatened by Korea's ten year belated and extremely limited move to comply with its WTO obligations by very partially opening its rice market (8% available to foreign imports, whose prodicut can be used only in processed foods, etc. not direct consumer sales.

Even more importantly, this is a very powerful litmus test issue for the core consitutuency of The Great Pretender and his party, both of whom have experienced dramatic losses in public approval - both because of the mercantilist protection of the farmers and their emotional need to keep beating up on those public institutions most assicated with the cri,es of the authoritarian regimes of 15+ years ago.

So I'm sure that Roh personally feels badly about the farmers' death, but his public posturing as Good Confucian is phony and politically manipulativ.

I don't doubt that South Korean democracy can be manipulated. All democracies are open to corruption and power struggles: witness the current string of scandals over influence-peddling in the US. For all of that, however, democracy - compared with authoritarianism - offers relatively powerless people more of a chance to protect themselves from tyrannical abuses of power. Roh has to apologize to farmers because he has to worry about votes, not just farmer votes, but other votes as well. That is more than Chinese farmers have.

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