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« Panlong is Dongzhou | Main | US Supreme Court Supports Confucian View of Assisted Suicide »

January 17, 2006


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When you posted your first discussion on this sad case, I stated that I was in favor of allowing the child to die through a natural course (removing both the feeding tube and the respirator).

However, your point regarding the economic angle is well taken. The intrinsic value of any life should be more important than money. Life is real; money is just a symbol.

The perhaps unintended result of Sam's proposed course is to lessen the severity of the charge that can be brought against the child's abuser and killer.

By allowing her not to die the state may be letting her live on as a form of testimony, but the state can not prosecute her murder until she is deceased.

From a legal standpoint, then, we have to let her go in order to do justice for her and against the ones who harmed her.

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