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« There Can Be No Loss | Main | Eulogy »

March 21, 2006


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You must know that there are many of us out here in your electronic universe who send you our virtual hugs. I realize it's not quite the same thing as a person-to-person exchange, but the heartfelt sentiments are the same.

My heartfelt condolences. And my apologies; I did not read your blog very thoroughly before my recent post that linked to yours. If I had been more attentive in the first place I would have known to have shown more compassion by avoiding the topic of passing altogether.

Blessings on the way to you and your family.

I found your blog via The Rambling Taoist, I'd just like to pass on my deepest condolences to you and your family.


I heard about Aidan's passing just before I left for Beijing, and I just wish I could have been in Williamstown to grieve with you. You and your family are in my (and my wife's) thoughts-

Many Condolences, Alan

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