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« Why Ritual Matters: Bush disses Hu | Main | Chuang Tzu in Everyday Life »

April 22, 2006


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Granted that Singapore is never and would never be a truly democratic society, and also, "confusianist"society.

But, it worked.

The "SDP" opposition, the defendant, was a spent political force under the current "failed" leadership of Chee Soon Juan.

Chee, is a political, attention seeker. He have a previous track records for misguiding the public with his half truth political agenda.

Bearing the banner of "Democracy" he had garnered support of many international rights. They have accepted him without an understanding of the rogue he is. Just because he plays to their tune.

Does democracy bring bread to your plate? Had Democracy saved the Phlippines from economic and polictical messiness.

I for one is happy to get rid of rhethoric spouting politicians like Chee, who have no views to improve the life of the people, except for "more democracy and free speech" ) who have been proven to be as eveil as the evil they decried in public ( Chee have been shown time again for misleading the public, "dare to Change" a book which he published full of misleadig half truth which he had admitted on public TV that the book was not truthfull and is only for leisure reading. )

On a more relevant note.

The way of the tao is not democratic, and neither is it about human rights.

" Heaven and Earth are Unkind, Ten thousands of things are as sacrificial dogs. The wise man is unkind, the people are all as sacrificial dogs. "

Thanks for the comment. Two points in response: 1) If Chee is as shallow and venal as you suggest, won't that be obvious to a majority of Singaporeans, too; and if it is, why is the PAP so determined to destroy him? Why not let him contest elections and, if he is truly bad, let him lose? Indeed, the PAP's treatment of Chee, and other opponents, suggests that they do not trust the political wisdom of Singaporeans.
2) Your point about Tao and Democracy is an interesting one. But, I believe, while Taoism is not necessarily democratic, that it would favor, generally, life under democratic regimes versus life under authoritarian regimes. And to be a bit more pointed: Singapore is further away from a Taoist ideal than, say, Australia... I will try to make this topic a post by itself in the near future...

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