Last year when Hurricane Katrina struck, I asked the I Ching if this meant Bush might lose the Mandate of Heaven. The answer I received then centered on the actions that Bush might undertake. Here's the key graph:
So, Bush must appoint the right person to address the long-term problems of hurricane recovery and that person must do the right thing by attending to the material and moral needs of the people. If all that goes right, Bush will retain the Mandate of Heaven; and, by implication, if any of this goes wrong, Bush could permanently lose the Mandate.
Everything centered on establishing the right leader for the reconstruction job. That has not happened. And, now, Katrina is widely seen as a key turning point in the demise of the Bush presidency:
"The sort of limited commitment that this president has to using federal power to ameliorate domestic problems registered powerfully in this Katrina episode," said presidential historian Robert Dallek. "It triggered Bush's downturn."
So, the I Ching was right! Bush failed to act decisively and effectively after Katrina, and it has cost him. The Mandate of Heaven has slipped away from him. As the original reading said: "correct Dao does not function."
I can no longer support the Democratic Party. It has left my principles and me. It has become a bigoted and self-serving organization. Everything this country is great for they are against only because they have lost their power and position. If they are not stopped this country will be destroyed. We are living in a great economical and safe times and they can’t stand it. When ever they can create coos they will even if people get hurt (Katrina). Democrats were in charge of that disaster
Posted by: James | August 26, 2006 at 06:08 PM