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« Save the Brothel! | Main | Beijing Weekend: Confucius is not a capitalist »

August 18, 2006


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:) It's interesting

To embrace the Tao is to embrace oneself fully. Yet western culture and ideals have twisted personal needs to be wholesale material needs, ego and greed. So when looking at Taoism many make the mistake to make this leap to say Taoism is an ego centric practice.
when that is so far from the case. But people have a had time putting ego into proper perspective.

To embrace oneself means to let go of greed .. minimize ego down to a small role in the larger concept of true self and as that artical lamely states: "self-maximization" . Heh its one of the miconceptions I had to fight against in writing the Personal Tao , as I knew people would make this type of leap of logic...

But at the same time it's possible to use that type of thinking and help spin people back around into discovering what Taoism is about.

:) Spiritual jujitsu if you may...

The paragraph struck me as being dropped into the story; it doesn't fit the context where it sits at all. My first thought was that it was an attack on religion/spirituality in the larger sense, and Taoism got caught (badly and inaccurrately) in the crossfire. I saw no alternative "framework" offered in the article, but I'd be willing to wager if one were, it would be entirely secular.

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