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« The Fame Motive | Main | This is Not what Confucius had in mind! »

August 23, 2006


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It sounds like there needs to be something established there like what I worked doing for a while. Actually, we need more of it here!

A lot of seniors are put into care not because they're crushingly ill or utterly helpless, but because they need a certain level of assistance to remain independent, and there isn't time for family that works all day to provide it. The company I worked for provided the basic help that can make the difference between aged parents staying in their own or their children's homes and having to be put in a nursing home: cooking, cleaning, errands, companionship, and a kind of second line of alertness for the medical people who came out to see them.

As for seniors working, there's always the obvious justification in many cases: They *want* to work. We're not talking digging ditches here, but retirement is the death knell for a lot more people than I think is commonly realized, because they stop feeling like they're useful in the world, and for someone who might have worked 40 or 50 years at that point that can be a crushing blow.

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