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« Modern Love: Another Taoist Parent | Main | Tuesday I Ching Blogging: Another President Clinton? »

January 22, 2007


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Censorship is actually counter Marxism. Communism ultimate goal is Freedom and Censorship and Communism does not go hand in hand.

It was Karl Marx who wrote: "It is the censored press that has a demoralizing effect. Inseparable from it is the most powerful vice, hypocrisy, and from this, its basic vice, come all its other defects, which lack even the rudiments of virtue, and its vice of passivity, loathsome even from the aesthetic point of view. The government hears only its own voice, it knows that it hears only its own voice, yet it harbours the illusion that it hears the voice of the people, and it demands that the people, too, should itself harbour this illusion. For its part, therefore, the people sinks partly into political superstition, partly into political disbelief, or, completely turning away from political life, becomes a rabble of private individuals." Src:

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