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« Taoism in Everyday Life, Redux | Main | Yankees in China »

January 26, 2007


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Had the Taoist or Confucianists had the medical breakthroughs that we have today, I assure you, they would be in support of Ashley's parents. Even with the surgery ... there is still pain from not knowing what will happen to your son or daughter when you die... a child or adult who depends on your every need both physically and emotionally.

With typical developing children, they have choice. They can fly through the window of independence by their own design. Our children who have global delays do not have that option. They live at the mercy of others EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THEIR LIFE ..

After reading your article I took you up on your offer to travel to China.

Some of the details about China at this point in history are fuzzy because it has been a very long time since I last traveled there. In fact, it's been 20 something years.

I see Lao Tzu is writing out his "five thousand characters" and I hear the comforting words from Confucius saying we must love without discrimination even though there are warring factions brewing and warlords will be ascending upon this place of tranquility.

So I leave and travel to another part of the world where I find a person hovering over another person who appears to be dead. It appears this person is carving a sharp object into the dead human body. In the bushes, there is person hiding who gasps at what is happening and runs away. The person continues with the work at hand but is interrupted later by a group of people who are shouting. It looks like this person with the sharp object is trying to explain something but nobody is listening.

I can't help thinking of what the horrible consequences were for the first person who carved into a dead body to discover what was inside and how similar the situation is today for a young biologist looking through a microscope and seeing something for the very first time.

All the primitive forces of nature known to humans continue to flow in one direction while forces driving the inquisitive nature of humans flow in a different direction.

Well, i know about Confucianists i also believed that caring for a disabled child allows a parent to cultivate and express his or her humanity.

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