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« How Many More Times Will The Same Mistake Be Made? | Main | Confucius as Prison Warden »

January 16, 2007


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Based on the statistics, the experts say that only 49% women are married and live with their spouses. Confucius may say that it is not entirely true if the experts were trying to use the statistics to highlight a breakdown in family values, since 9% of the women are widows, 3% are separated, and 2% of the women are still waiting for their spouses to return.

Widows need not remarry – even in ancient times - and yet can still look after the family. Those separated can still get back together, and some spouses of the 2% women may return one day for the love of family. The 11% divorcees of which single mothers can still look after the family, which leaves the 25% unmarried women which is quite normal. The unmarried women could be biding their time or still too young to be married and start a family. (1% of the women were unaccounted for.)

If the father has passed away or has left, a filial son can take his place when he grows older to head the family. One is sure his mother would then be proud, pleased and relieved. This also represent the changing of times and circumstances. And if Sam does not continue teaching Confucian ethics to Americans and the world, even the ancients could be peeved!

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