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« Mencius on Lying | Main | Farewell to my Blogfather »

March 25, 2007


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The Farther One Travels, the less One Knows". . .

Isn't that a lyric from the Beatles? I thought Ringo coined on an ashram in India.

Seriously though, I have always interpeted the phrase differently. I feel the the phrase alludes to the fact that the farther one travels, the more one learns about the world. This newfound knowledge conflicts with one's old assumptions and forces one to review their set of knowledge and thus conform new facts with old ideas...the more I travel, the more realize my old local area is not the total of the world...

The Farther One Travels, the less One Knows". . .

Isn't that a lyric from the Beatles? I thought Ringo coined on an ashram in India.

Seriously though, I have always interpeted the phrase differently. I feel the the phrase alludes to the fact that the farther one travels, the more one learns about the world. This newfound knowledge conflicts with one's old assumptions and forces one to review their set of knowledge and thus conform new facts with old ideas...the more I travel, the more realize my old local area is not the total of the world...


Sorry you couldn't make it, I would have loved to get to know you (and your family). Btw, I'm not in Brussels, I'm in a far nicer place than that ;-). I also want to apologize for the way in which I stated my invitation: in view of the content of your post, it was rather rude, as I discovered myself too late.

Still, I hope on the Way there is a junction where our separate ways may cross at one time or another. And thanks for another nice post.

"... the more I travel, the more realize my old local area is not the total of the world..."

I don't think the ancient characters had predicates, but the more I travelled, the more I discovered how much I didn't know, too.

Hee, hee.

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