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July 02, 2007


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Perhaps people are right to be afraid of births. The biggest reproductive problem we have in the world is massive over-fertility. The USA alone of all modern industrial nations still has a very high birthrate. It is reasonable for people to be afraid when they are in the process of committing collective suicide. Of course, this is not a conscious thought, but perhaps it is something that people feel "beneath the radar" without being able to articulate.

I'm not an expert on Confucianism, but I seem to recall reading some very enlightened ecological statements from Mencius. I also believe that the religion of Daoism (perhaps as opposed to the philosophy) would not be opposed to controlling population growth, and would encourage people to think about the impact of their behaviour on nature. It also strikes me that it would be an act of filial piety towards future generations and the state to limit one's fertility in the present, incredibly dangerous situation.

Perhaps people are right to be afraid of births. The biggest reproductive problem we have in the world is massive over-fertility

This is arguably true in a global sense, but it ignores the fact that fertility in most parts of the developed world is below replacement rate - to the extent that countries such as Japan and Singapore are actively trying to encourage their people to have more babies (with litte success). The Western world is certainly not committing collective suicide through overpopulation.

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