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« Joe Zawinul, Taoist Sage | Main | I Think They Were Smarter... »

September 14, 2007


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Ah, so stange this comparison!Linyutang is a great writer,Yudan is nothing and totally not comparable to him.

Especially, her title of "excellent memeber of CCP" makes me puke.

sorry,the misspelling:strange.

I was thinking of the role of popularizer of ancient thought. You may be right, Lin Yutang may be the superior writer and mind, but they both are, it seems to me, working to make ancient thought relevant and accessible to a more general audience. That's what the comparison raised in my mind...And, yes, their politics are clearly rather different.

understand your point of view, maybe I'm a little emotional:)

I came across The Importance of Living in a used bookstore in Kuala Lumpur. It's a real gem.

Here's a quote of his I came across that reminds me of something Chuang Tzu might say:

"Personally, I think that one writ of habeas corpus is worth more than all the Confucian philosophy ever written."

(quoted by Jacob G. Hornberger in Tyranny and the Military Commissions Act)

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