A brief follow up to my earlier post about immigration, identity and race in China. A commenter, darts, makes a point that I want to bring forward for further discussion. Here it is:
Sorry if the below seems excessively focused on sex as a driver of societal development, but ... I imagine "mail order brides" will likely be the major component of foreign migration, like in Taiwan and South Korea (two countries with similar cultural backgrounds and, more importantly, sex ratios nearly as bad). There's already about a billion women on earth who live in countries with lower per-capita incomes than China. As China's growth continues, that number is only going to get larger.
These women (and the children they bear) are going to be the ones who make rural Chinese men want to rethink their attitudes, when they see racial discrimination happening to their own loved ones. At first, the brides will probably be from the "near abroad", the same countries that supply TW and SK with women --- Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Uzbekistan (and maybe North Korea, if Kim Jong-Ill becomes Kim Jong-Dead); the women won't quite pass for Chinese, but their children could easily. But of course, China will have tens of millions of "bare branches" by 2020, and in any given country, the proportion of women who are willing to get married to foreign strangers is not going to be that high. So the Chinese are going to have to start looking farther afield to fill their demand - Moldova/Ukraine/Belarus, the poorer countries of Latin America and Africa, etc.
As various commenters have noted, there is a significant racial aspect to "Chinese" identity, which makes it difficult to foresee a multi-racial notion of "Chineseness" emerging in the near future. I am not going to give up on the possibility of wider Chinese multicultralization, but this counterargument is strong. That being said, I had not thought about the gender dimension of the question until darts raised it. And it seems to me that this could be an important dynamic. We know of the very significant sex imbalance in PRC society, due to the one-child policy and the historical preference for male children. It seems plausible to me that the millions of young, single, Chinese males could very well search for brides from foreign countryies. And that dynamic could eventually lead to an expansion of the racial definition of Chineseness. I continue to take the counterargument - i.e. that "Chinese" has become fused with certain racial assumptions such that a white person or a black person will not be considered Chinese by most Chinese - so there still may be a certain socio-cultural limit on how far sex-driven multiculturalization might go. But if the process begins to unfold, if more and more "foreign" women, women from racial categories not traditionally considered "Chinese" (I'm thinking India here) marry Chinese men and have children, might that open the door to at least a future possibility that a black woman might be accepted a Chinese? The short term answer to the question is no. But let's think into the future fifity years. Then, perhaps my daughter will meet Chinese people who would be open to saying "yes, a black woman - and thus by extension a black person - can be Chinese." I'm imagining I won't be around to see it myself.....
Well to that article on whether they see Black ppl particularly Black women as Chinese. What we must remember is that The first Chinese were Black/Afrikan, they were also the first inhabitants of China as well as other places around the globe. Its well documented so do the research don't take my word for it.
Peace, and knowledge.
Posted by: Kemi | September 26, 2008 at 01:45 PM
Chinese South Africans have sued (and won) to have their racial designation switched from Coloured (slightly more privileged than Blacks) to Black, so that they can benefit from the South African equivalent of Affirmative Action. Chinese people are now Black in South Africa. This situation is profoundly disturbing. It illuminates who completely warped the concept of race is in South Africa and how race is ultimately a social construct. http://www.estetiks.com/
Posted by: estetik | October 12, 2008 at 08:39 AM
Why do Black women want to be Chinese? Isn't being Black good enough?
Posted by: Alex | October 16, 2008 at 05:45 PM
first Chinese were Black/Afrikan, they were also the first inhabitants of China as well as other places around the globe.
Posted by: prefabrik evler | October 29, 2008 at 01:09 PM
thanks good
Posted by: cam balkon | May 18, 2009 at 03:12 AM
Well, as a Caribbean descended woman, I Can say for a fact that Chinese people have already intermixed with Black people-and it hasnt made countries like Jamaica and Cuba the worse off for it! Mainland Chinese people need to stop thinking of others as inferior and be a little open minded to meeting someone different from them. P.S: Very proud of my mixed heritage,ESPECIALLY my Black and Chinese ancestry.
Posted by: Dinie | February 25, 2010 at 09:07 PM
Thank you, Dinie!
Posted by: Sam | February 27, 2010 at 11:50 AM
Hi Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Posted by: school_dubl | December 28, 2010 at 02:37 PM