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« ...light of the sparkling eyes... | Main | Taoist Football »

September 12, 2008


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Well to that article on whether they see Black ppl particularly Black women as Chinese. What we must remember is that The first Chinese were Black/Afrikan, they were also the first inhabitants of China as well as other places around the globe. Its well documented so do the research don't take my word for it.

Peace, and knowledge.

Chinese South Africans have sued (and won) to have their racial designation switched from Coloured (slightly more privileged than Blacks) to Black, so that they can benefit from the South African equivalent of Affirmative Action. Chinese people are now Black in South Africa. This situation is profoundly disturbing. It illuminates who completely warped the concept of race is in South Africa and how race is ultimately a social construct.

Why do Black women want to be Chinese? Isn't being Black good enough?

first Chinese were Black/Afrikan, they were also the first inhabitants of China as well as other places around the globe.

thanks good

Well, as a Caribbean descended woman, I Can say for a fact that Chinese people have already intermixed with Black people-and it hasnt made countries like Jamaica and Cuba the worse off for it! Mainland Chinese people need to stop thinking of others as inferior and be a little open minded to meeting someone different from them. P.S: Very proud of my mixed heritage,ESPECIALLY my Black and Chinese ancestry.

Thank you, Dinie!

Hi Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

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