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« Mozi and Foreign Policy | Main | Just how Confucian was the Han Dynasty? And what does that suggest for today's Confucian revival? »

June 19, 2011


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this is a little out of date now, but have you seen this story?

I would be more down with this if the person accepts the fundamental premises of Chinese culture, such as filial piety.

The reverse side of the coin is whether a person remains Chinese if he abandons Chinese culture.

Yes, I blogged about her here. Wonder what happened to her?...
This raises a question: should we also say that those people living in China who have, in their deeds, given up filial piety (and my sense is that that number is growing) are no longer "Chinese"?

I'm speaking from a Chinese standpoint rather than a Confucian standpoint here...

I feel that if a Chinese person (e.g. by blood) abandons Chinese culture, especially Chinese moral culture, then he has lost his way, but I wouldn't say that he is now non-Chinese.

But if a non-Chinese person wants to claim Chineseness, then I feel he needs to prove himself in a way a Chinese person by blood does not. I can accept him if I feel he respects and identifies with Chinese culture.

I believe that other nations probably feel the same way about this issue as pertains to them.

Reminds me of the white horse discourse.

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