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September 17, 2013


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Your points are all true and valid. Yet as the Washington D.C. shootings yesterday demonstrated that guns are the easy choice of the weak and unbalanced to show their mettle if only momentarily. The problem for U.S. is not on the chart you shown for most killed per 100,000, but the associated gunboat diplomacy of U.S. foreign policy. For the millions of casualties in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, not to mention of U.S. soldiers. One can't find domestic tranquility while pursuing foreign aggressive empire building.

Not buying it, Ngok Ming Cheung. Israel and Norway have compulsory military training (and one memorable not-night in Norway I watched a drunk guy field strip and reassemble his Army-issue assault rifle) and Israel's policies toward it's neighbours do tend towards the aggressive, with much weaponry openly displayed. Australia has a rather aggressive policy towards boatloads of refugees arriving illegally and unannounced from its neighbour to the northwest, which again involves much weaponry on open display, and on one infamous occasion the deployment of the SAS, and joined in the misadventures in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. The UK until very recently has been awful keen to involve itself in the USA's imperial misadventures - and I seem to recall reading that with the exception of one year in the 1960s has had troops in combat every year since the end of World War 2. Japan is involved in territorial disputes over uninhabited islands with two of its neighbours which involve much rattling of neighbours. Worst I can think of to say about Canada is that their climate is somewhat less than ideal. And yet all of those countries have far lower rates of firearm homicides than the USA. Which leads me to conclude that somewhere in Sam's article is a point and you have missed it.

Mr. Waugh,
I think you have miss the point of my previous comment. I do not disagree with Sam on the question weapon and war is bad. One doesn't have to go to Daodejing, one can find anti-war arguments in Sun Tze's "Art of War" which are much more persuasive. Sam was using Chinese philosophy and reason to persuade Americans in favor of gun control which I consider futile without dealing with the history and foundation of U.S.. I am talking of manifest destiny and U.S. exceptionalism which is so in vogue while burying the dark past of slavery and genocide. We maybe celebrating Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream" speech, but we don't really want to know and learn from the past. I remember the negative reactions to the movie "Soldier Blue" which depicts the massacre of Native Americans from the viewpoint of a captured white woman in late 60s, a time of idealism, forget about now. It means we don't really want to know history or philosophy.

All of which strikes me as being utterly irrelevant to the subject at hand. But never mind.

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